be added to the invoice by the Company where the Company has the l egal obligation to collect such taxes.
Distr ibuto r shal l pa y such amount to the Co mpany u nless Distr ibuto r pro vides Company with a val id t ax
exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. 3. Terms . Terms are net cash upon deliv ery, excep t where sa tisfactory cre dit is establishe d inwhich case terms are n et t hirty (30) days from d ate o f del ivery . The Company reser ves t he ri ght to re voke
any credit extended at the Company's sole di scretion. Distributor agrees to pay such invoices when due
regardless of other scheduled del iveries. Invoi ces not paid wit hin thirty ( 30) days of the invoice date wil l
have one and onehalf percent (1 - 1/2%) per month finance charge ass essed against t he unpaid balance f rom
the date of in voice until th e date of pa yment.4. Ti tle to Equipment . T he Com pany here by reserve s a purchas e money security intere st in each
unit of Equipment s old or to be sold under this Agreement and in the proceeds thereof, if Distribut or shall
have sold or l eased a unit(s) to another par ty prior to Dis tributor pay ing Com pany the purchase p rice for
such Unit as set forth herein, in the amount of such unit's purchase price. These interests will be satisfied by
payment in full. A copy of this Agreement may be filed with the appropria te uthoritie s at any ti me afte r the
signature by the Company as a financing statemen t in order to perfect the Company's security interest. On
the request o f the Com pany, D istributor sha ll execute fin ancing state ment(s) an d other instru ments the
Company sh all d esire to per fect a security interest in the Equipment for its purchase price. Title to the
Equipment shall pa ss to Di stribut or upon r eceipt b y the Compan y of paymen t in f ull for all a mounts due for