My Business Partner Locked Me Out, What Now? Five Issues That Require Your Immediate Attention

business divorce

Let’s say that you and a family member or close friend decide to start a business. You take the necessary steps to form the company. You sit down with your partner to discuss how the company will operate, and you even go to the trouble of hiring a lawyer to prepare the necessary paperwork. It’s likely that the last thing on your mind is “what happens if my partner and I hate each other after we get this business off the ground?”

Nearly every new venture is born out of optimism. But fast forward a few years. You and your business partner no longer share the same vision and every time you meet to discuss the company, things are tense. One morning you wake up to find that you have been locked, literally and figuratively, out of your own business. The locks on the front door have been changed and you no longer have access to the company’s bank accounts and other financial records. What do you do now?

In Colorado, the vast majority of new businesses—like the one described here—are formed as a limited liability company (“LLC”). Because this form of entity can accommodate multiple business types, while shielding the owners from personal liability, it has become remarkably popular. But, too often, when the owners of an LLC realize they can no longer do business together, they have no idea how their separation will play out.

If you find yourself in the middle of a “surprise” business divorce, here are the top five issues you need to address immediately:

1. Where’s the money?

In a lockout scenario, it is simple for one of the owners to declare a financial war by seizing control of the money. This can be accomplished either by terminating the other owner’s access to the bank accounts or by moving substantial sums into an account controlled exclusively by the bad actor. Depending on the terms of the written agreements between the business partners (i.e., the “operating agreement”), it is likely that this kind of monetary lockout violates fiduciary obligations owed the other owners or to the company (or both). If funds have been transferred out of your company’s account, you may have additional claims for conversion and civil theft.

Sometimes writing a strong letter demanding compliance with the terms of your operating agreement will bring a rogue business partner back into line. But, more often than not, an owner who has taken this kind of hostile action will not change course until ordered by a court to do so. If you believe your business partner is unlikely to listen to reason, you should consult a lawyer and do what it takes to regain control of the company’s cash. When you have that conversation, keep in mind that, if the bank allowed your business partner to unilaterally remove your name from the company accounts, you may also have a civil action against the bank for breach of fiduciary duty. Banks do not usually like being dragged into partnership disputes. So, you may be able to undo some financial shenanigans if your bank is at least partially to blame.

2. Who has access to the books and records?

A business partner stealing from the company or otherwise trying to inflict financial harm on fellow owners does not usually make it a habit to share the accounting records. So, if you find yourself in a brewing partnership dispute, ask yourself: “Who has access to Quickbooks?” and “Can I track our customer orders, accounts receivable, cash receipts and other metrics?” If the answer to these questions suggest that you are operating in the dark, you need to change that immediately. And Colorado law may help your cause.

So long as you remain a member of the company, you have a right to inspect some—if not all—of the books and records of the company. Every member in an LLC has a statutory right to demand to inspect and copy those financial records that are reasonably related to their membership interest in the LLC. The company’s operating agreement may also provide additional inspection rights and access to records. A lawyer can help you review the operating agreement to see if you have any additional rights.

3. What obligations have I personally guaranteed and what are the risks?

Banks and other financial institutions often require owners of a company to personally guarantee certain liabilities of the company. Just because you are locked out of your company does not change your obligations under any personal guarantee. In fact, if your business partner controls the finances and has exclusive access to the books and records, your risk of liability on your guarantee may be growing by the minute.

A personal guaranty is a contract with a third party that is enforceable even if your partner has breached their fiduciary duties. As part of a resolution, you may be able to negotiate a release of the guarantee or request a replacement guarantee. But you need to take stock of these liabilities and do everything you can to mitigate your risks.

4. Can I compete with the jerk who just locked me out?

A business divorce typically involves owners who are capable of running the business alone. They can manufacture the product, provide the service and sell to customers with or without a business partner. So, when conflicts start to boil over between the owners, they are naturally tempted to run their own little businesses “on the side.” But competing with a business you own with others is not a risk-free means of escaping a toxic partnership.

Members of an LLC have a statutory duty that not only prohibits them from competing with the LLC, but also from misappropriating an opportunity of the LLC. However, these statutory duties may be modified by the terms of the operating agreement. Specifically, the duties that managers and members owe to the LLC may be restricted, modified, or eliminated by the operating agreement as long as those modifications are not manifestly unreasonable. So, before you run out and start a “side business,” you need to review your operating agreement closely. And you need to call a lawyer who can help advise you as to your next best steps.

5. What is my end-game?

If you jointly own a business organized as an LLC, your ability to navigate a dispute with your partner(s) will depend on your knowledge of the operating agreement. Study that document cover-to-cover. And, if you need advice about what it means, find a lawyer with experience in business divorce.

If you are dealing with a business partner who has already locked an owner out of the company, it is unlikely that the situation will be amicably resolved. In the fields of domestic relations, lawyers call this kind of conflict between spouses “irreconcilable differences.” If that is what you are facing in your business, it usually requires either the dissolution of the company or a buy-out. And you need to start thinking about these two alternatives as you formulate your end-game.

Depending on your situation, a resolution strategy may include:

No one goes into a business venture expecting it to fail. But if you find yourself in the middle of a brewing business divorce, Chipman Glasser’s attorneys have a depth of experience to help you work through the issues you need to address.

Comments 16

Wow very interesting I’m currently going through some issues with my business partner. Locked out of Quick books and hiring people without my knowledge. Spending getting our company into debt.

Author Judd Connell

Thank you for your comment, Tony. If you’d like more information, our main line is 303-578-5780. We have friendly staff waiting to take your call. Have a great day.

Paul Jeter

Yes me and my ex lady started an landscaping business in 2020 which was my dream she just help bc her credit was better then mines…Now since I left her and moved out her house due to controlling issues I’m lockout the 1-800-accountant account and can’t see anything and she going around town to the yards which I had and use to cut by myself saying someone else will be running the business I have some of the paper work but not all so how do I go about this

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Paul. We’re glad you found this article helpful. We would like to know more about the situation you referenced. Please give us a call at 303-578-5780 so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys. Thanks!

I have been locked, literally and figuratively, out of my business. The locks on the front door have been changed and I no longer have access to the company’s bank accounts and other financial records. I think she closed and opened new account. I put in the investment in the company (100%). She has been using my investment and continuing business as usual. What are my options?

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Karen. We’re glad you found this article helpful. We would like to know more about the situation you referenced. Please give us a call at 303-578-5780 so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys. Thanks!

Mark Pietrofesa

Thank you for your article on January 12, 2021 by Jennifer Osgood, it was a “Wake up Call” for my business LLC!
Can you handle a California case or recommend an affiliated business divorce attorney in California?
Thank you for your assistance
Mark Pietrofesa

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Mark. We’re glad you found this article helpful. We would like to know more about the situation you referenced. Please give us a call at 303-578-5780 so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys. Thanks!

Joey Halim

My name is Joey Halim. I have been locked out of my business for 2 years waiting on court trial and a dissolution of my business. My 50% partner is my ex-husband which makes things more difficult. He is money laundering, doing credit care fraud, check kiting and breaking his fudiciary duties in the AZ LLC operating agreement. I don’t have a lawyer and don’t have the money to hire one. I’m working as a pro se and realize Im a sitting duck. Ive utilized free consultation, and I’ve gotten legal advice to
file theft charges to the police, county attorney, city attorney and Attorney General. I’m in the process of doing all that and asking for my equal disbursements from my partners attorney. I would appreciate any suggestions on how I can release myself from any future financial obligations from the business that I never created. Thank you for reading my comment. Joey Halim

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Joey. We’re glad you found this article helpful. We would like to know more about the situation you referenced. Please give us a call at 303-578-5780 so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys. Thanks!

Linda schultz

My 50/50 partner in my LLC closed out of our bussiness and accounts. He locked me out after asking me to throw him a number because he wanted to buy me out and after I did he closed all our business accounts, stop communicating with me all together and is still running our business knowing because of covid I could not leave the state because of travel bans in 2020 due to Covid. He did not pay me anything at all and is still running the business. The bank let him empty and close our bank account without my knowledge. However they did provide a printout which shows questionable withdrawals into his personal account. What legal rights do I have?

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Linda. We would like to know more about the situation you referenced. Please give us a call at 303-578-5780 and let us know you’re a prospective client so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys. Thank you!

Jerad Krukow

My business partner quit working a couple of months ago and left me high and dry to complete thousands of dollars worth of work. He then came up with a bunch of false accusations about using business money for personal purchases and wanted to dissolve the business. He then proceeded to close all of our cash accounts at parts suppliers and then closed our LLC bank account. Meanwhile I’m out in the field trying to finish all this work that’s under contract. But now after exhausting my wife and my personal finances to keep the company afloat while I finish jobs. Now checks are coming in but I can no longer cash them to repay ourselves, keep finishing the jobs that are under contract. The way he set up articles of organization according to the bank I cannot open another account separately from him. What do I do now?!

Author Judd Connell

Thank you, Jerad. We would like to know more about your situation. Would you please give us a call at 303-578-5780 and let us know you’re a prospective client so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys? Thank you!

Hank Smith

In the same boat went to the bank to get a print out of the account because I felt like embezzling was going on only to find out I’ve been removed from the account I am a 50% partner and a signer on the account. I was there when we opened it. Went in twice to the bank the banks reply was talk to your partner. I recorded the whole thing.

Author Judd Connell

Hank, thanks for reaching out. We would like to know more about your situation. Would you please give us a call at 303-578-5780 and let us know you’re a prospective client so we can put you in touch with one of our attorneys?

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