An "Unconstitutional" Act? The Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus

At the beginning of the Civil War, as the number of dead increased daily, a force of opposition to the war efforts began to intensify in the Congress and in the voices of the American people. Abraham Lincoln, in an effort to silence the Southern sympathizers, or "Copperheads," suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a clause of the Constitution that forbids unlawful imprisonment. The suspension of this clause was first mandated only in the state of Maryland due to its proximity to the capital, but in September of 1861 Lincoln ordered the suspension within all the Union states. One of the first to be arrested due to the suspension was John Merryman, a prominent Baltimore businessman and farmer. Merryman’s attorneys called on Chief Justice Roger B. Taney to hear the case and free Merryman from the prison at Fort McHenry. The details of Merryman’s case were well-documented by the Baltimore Sun newspaper.

Essential Question

Based on the rights guaranteed in the Constitution, did Lincoln commit an unconstitutional act by suspending the writ of habeas corpus?



Lesson Activities

Day One

Students will become familiar with the details of the problems in Maryland at the start of the Civil War by using information from the Sun newspaper collection and records from the US War Department. The students will analyze the documents, identify the problem(s) for the Union government, and determine if the Constitution provides information concerning how this problem can be handled.


The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Have students paraphrase the meaning of this clause. Could it be a possible solution to the situation? What would have to happen to put the suspension into effect? What might the reaction of the public be to this decision?

Day Two

Students will identify the arguments about the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus from Abraham Lincoln and Roger B. Taney. Students will analyze each individual’s support for his argument in regards to the US Constitution and decide if Lincoln’s actions were unconstitutional.



Have students create a political cartoon supporting either Lincoln or Taney concerning the suspension of habeas corpus. The illustration and caption should reference details from the arguments as stated by the individual.


Have students research wars of the twentieth century (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and the current war in Iraq) and determine whether or not the sitting president or Congress has suspended the writ of habeas corpus. Compare the situation to that during Lincoln’s presidency.