Creating an Effective Freelance Writing Contract: Sample Template, Tips and What You Need to Know

Over the years of freelance writing, I’ve come to know how important it is to have a freelance writing contract. Why?

Because of dodgy clients.

They often ruin your day, week, or month.

Creating an Effective Freelance Writing Contract: Sample Template, Tips and What You Need to Know

Don’t be fooled by other names given to them: scope-creeper, dodgy dancer, the micro-managing monster, or the late payer.

Crappy clients are everywhere and it takes experience to spot them before you decide to work with them.

Luckily for you, there’s an easy way to protect yourself from bad clients who may walk all over you because you are new to freelance writing. So what is it?

It’s the freelance writer contract.

A legit and professional freelance writing contract can help you weed out the cheapskates and companies who don’t value writers.

To help you out, I have a freelancer agreement sample and template for you to check out as well as resources on creating your own writer contract!

Check out my Youtube on bad clients you definitely don’t want to have!

What is a Freelance Writing Contract?

A contract for freelance writers is a document (or legal document from a lawyer) that details the service you will provide for the company or person hiring you. It will state the terms and conditions like a kill fee or revision rounds and will provide the compensation for your work (blog writing, white paper writing, etc.).

A client may term this as a letter agreement or letter of agreement. This is the same as a contract.

A freelance contract typically comes from the client or the company who hired you.

Some companies have an onboarding client form.

This details basic information such as invoicing and forms to fill out for local and international writers.

Here is an example of a freelance writing contract template that I received from a freelance client.

Sample Template for a Freelance Writing Contract

Other companies give you many contract forms to fill out as well as access to a 3rd party management software program to finish the contract. For another freelance writing job, the client gave me this contract for writing.

The writer – you – can also supply a freelance contract letter of agreement but make sure it’s a legal binding one from a lawyer.

Why Are Contracts Important for Freelance Writers?

*note: I’m in no way a lawyer. Please seek legal advice for drafting a written contract

You’ve sent pitch after writing pitch and finally you hear back.

You hash it out and now you have a freelance writing job!

I’m sure you’ve read about it or heard from others, that whenever you are working with someone new, to “get it on paper.” Even if that someone is a friend or family member.

What is it? It refers to what you and a prospective client has agreed to during the interview process.

Just shaking hands on it won’t give you peace of mind when it’s a new month and you still haven’t gotten paid for the work you’ve done the previous month.

So, why is it important to to have writing contracts for freelancers?

  1. It protects you if the client decides to ditch you and your content.
  2. Helps you avoid any misunderstandings or communication glitches you may have, before you begin a collaboration with a client.
  3. It shows that you are a professional and you mean business when you present a contract to a client.
  4. It helps in getting paid (but not all the time. There are still people that will take advantage of you and not pay you for your work. Having a contract, however, helps lesson this chance).

So why don’t many freelance writers (including myself) have a contract when they first start?

For me, I’m in the process of drafting a freelance writer contract for future collaborations with local businesses and for online companies.

Up until this point though, I didn’t have a contract, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t sign any.

Currently, I’m under my clients’ contracts for any services I preform. These clients hire many freelance writers and journalists so it’s nothing new for them to hire a writer.

There are other reasons why new freelance writers might not use a contract:

Whatever the case is, not having a contract in place is a HUGE risk to you.

Your chances of getting screwed by a scope-creeper or a micro-managing monster is greater when there’s nothing in place.

What’s to stop a client from paying you right away? Since there’s nothing in writing, he could wait years before paying you.

So, if you don’t want to get walked all over, consider putting a contract or freelance writing agreement together.

Here are 7 crystal clear clauses you can put in your freelance agreement.

Key Elements of a Freelance Writing Contract

Realize that when drafting up a contract, it is using confidential information.

This is to help you with writing a freelance contract.

If you don’t want to create your own contract (and I advice you don’t since it’s not legally binding), consider purchasing a freelance contract agreement.

I use Mariam’s legal contract as she is a freelance lawyer and a course student of mine!

1. The Scope of Your Work Clause

When you start freelance writing, you might run into the scope-creeper.

To tame the scope-creeper, determine specifically what services you will do for the client.

This is your chance to make it clear to the client what services you will perform.

Your clause can mention work outside of this scope, but it requires a new contract with new rates.

For example, you should mention:

Also mention the nature of your work. What I mean is to make it clear that all work you create is original and that you are the sole author.

It’s also a good idea to mention that any stats or resources you do use are, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and truthful and that it doesn’t infringe on any copyright or privacy rights.

The scope of work is contingent on what you and the client agrees to.

It’s wise for a freelance writer to write everything down when interviewing the client to get a better picture of what they want.

Moreover, it’s a good idea to send an email re-hashing what you discussed before you write your contract in order to get all the facts straight.

2. Ownership Clause

It’s generally understood that companies you end up working with, will have complete ownership to your work once you are paid.

In North America, this is referred to as a, “Work-for-hire” agreement. A freelance writer, once paid, will give up all ownership to their content.

It makes sense to give up ownership to your content when you receive payment.

I mean, if I hire and pay a contractor to re-model my kitchen, I don’t expect him to come back years later and demand his counter tops and cupboards back!

The kitchen and the work done to the kitchen is mine. And it’s the same for your content.

What’s of concern for freelance writers like myself, is having recognition for the work we do. We want to be able to add to our portfolio at the same time as having our brand reach new customers.

The best thing to do is approach your client and ask them about having an author byline or author name on your content once it’s published.

If you two agree, then put it in writing.

3. Payment Terms and Conditions Clause

For freelance writers, state your rate and how often you will be paid (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, every 30 days etc…) when drafting a contract for freelance writing.

Also mention how clients can pay you (PayPal, direct deposit etc..) and the turnaround time from when you submit your invoice to getting paid.

Other terms you can mention in your contract:

It’s wise to also state if the work requires more time or if there are changes to be made, that renegotiation occurs and a new rate and clause is drafted.

4. Revisions Clause

You might want to specify what is entailed for your revisions and how many revisions you will do. Also mention what editing tools you will use, how you will check your facts and any research you will do.

Some clients may not comprehend what you do when you revise your content, so having a clause can help alleviate any concern your client may have.

5. Deadline Clause

It’s important to state when the deadline is for submission and what the turnaround time is for revisions. Sometimes clients start with 1 blog post a week and then move up to 2 or 3 posts a week.

If this is the case, state this in your contract so that you won’t be surprised when your client asks for 3 posts in one week.

6. Early Termination Clause

Clients can change their minds about contents for the writer/freelancer and terminate their services without any notice.

If this should happen most likely you’re left trying to fulfill another job so you won’t be late on your month’s rent.

To protect you from this happening, have a per-determined dollar amount a client pays should they ditch your services for someone new. This amount is usually %20-%50 of your agreed payment for your content. Some freelance writers require %100 of payment for work they have done regardless if the client ends services early or later.

7. Independent Contractor Clause

It’s a good idea to make sure the client is aware that you’re an independent contractor, not an employee. When you’re an independent contractor you are responsible for all federal, state and/or local taxes when preforming services for your clients.

When It Comes to Contracts: K.I.S.S

So before you write your contract for freelancers remember to Keep It Simple Simon! (K.I.S.S). Write it out in plain language or if that’s not your thing, send an email detailing what you and your client agreed to and have them email you back with an approval.

At least it’s on paper and you have documentation to back you up, should you need it.

While I’m still in the process of framing my contract, I can’t give you my sample, but I can direct you to some sample freelance contracts I found useful when researching for this post!

Freelance Writer Contract

This is through Fiverr and it’s a paid option.

For more help on contracts, make sure to check out the National Writers Union.

How to Enforce Your Freelance Writing Contract

What happens when a client doesn’t follow the contract you gave them or the one they gave you? If they aren’t holding up their end of the agreement her are three things you can do.

Realize though, if your contract isn’t legally binding, there isn’t much you can do except point out the problem and wait for a response.

1. Keep Detailed Records

It’s a good idea once you onboard a client that you keep a record of:

Having a “trail” will help with any disputes that might occur.

2. Issue a Formal Notice

This can simply be an email detailing the specific breaches, referencing the contract clauses you wrote out (or they gave you), and give a deadline to speed up resolving the issues at hand.

If you need help, here’s a formal notice template you can use:

  1. Late payment (Clause 3.1): As per the contract, payment was due within 30 days of invoice submission. However, invoice #023 submitted on (Invoice date) and I have yet to be paid.
  2. Increase Scope of Work (Clause1.3): The clause specifies I’m responsible for blog post writing, but you have added meta descriptions and keyword analysis. These are beyond the scope of work detailed in our contract.

3. Consult a Legal Professional

If this fails then consider legal help.

Consider using the lawyer who helped you form your freelance contract or befriend an online freelance lawyer!

There are people who can help.

More Help On Your Freelance Writing Business

If you need more help setting up your business like getting an LLC, taxes and managing your money, I highly suggest you pick up The Money Guide for Freelance Writers.

It was written by Alexis Grant (from The Write Life) and her accountant dad!

This is the end to my series. I hope you found this information useful.

So for experienced freelance writers, do you find having a contract in place beneficial?

Do you notice that you deal with a lot less crappy clients?

Share this post with your friends!

About The Author

Hi I'm Elna and I'm a freelance writer and mom blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers. Check out my free email course Get Paid to Write Online and learn the steps you need to take to be a freelance writer.

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Really helpful information, thank you!Reply to Hayley

This is very helpful as I am just putting together my freelance writing business! I actually emailed you this morning about contracts and then I found this post on Google haha! 🙂 Thanks! Where would you suggest registering an LLC through?Reply to Aaron

Hi Aaron, I’m brand new to the freelance writing world also, but what I found/was informed of, is that I don’t necessarily need an LLC unless I plan on expanding and hiring others. So what I did was visit my state office; (Secretary of State Office in your state’s capitol), and I filled out a form to register my business as a DBA. Following that, I opened a Business bank account using my own SSN. I’m not sure if you’re in the same situation, but I hope this helps provide some direction one way or the other!~ 🙂Reply to Nico

Hi Aaron, Oh thanks for emailing me! Not sure if I read it but glad you found this post on Google 🙂 As for your question, there are no LLC’s in Canada so I can’t help you! SorryReply to Elna

Hey Elna! Thanks for your informative articles as usual. I do have a question if you can please kindly answer. Many of lawyers on the Internet urge freelancers to obtain a LLC or a business insurance in case anything goes awry. Keeping all of this in mind, in your experience, is the chances of getting sued over your freelance writing very very slim? I have heard nothing of a client suing a freelance writer and I can’t exactly see why considering the costs of lawsuits would be way bigger than what they would obtain from a small timer. So my question is what are the chances of a lawsuit over freelance writing?Reply to Amara

Hi, I haven’t heard of any small freelancers getting into legal trouble for writing. That’s not to say it hasn’t happened. I have heard of small bloggers getting into trouble with image copyright. A client would likely sue a freelancer if they themselves got sued for something you wrote and they published. If you create non-infringing, well-researched, libel-free, fact-checked content on non-controversial topics, I think there is minimal risk, but I’m not a lawyer. I do have liability insurance and a corporation. But I didn’t have anything for the first year when I was strictly freelance writing.Reply to Elna

Hey Elna. Thanks for your information, I want to write in digital marketing like you and I checked out your portfolio and saw you used others content as examples to analyse. Did you ask for permission beforehand or did you just apply fair use principles without consent? Just wanted to know if I wanted to include screenshots in my own articles.Reply to Amara

Hi Amara, I’m not sure what you mean? My portfolio page on my website are my client pieces!Reply to Elna

Hi Elna, I’ve recently been hired as a freelance writer/copyeditor. It is a small company which works online, and they asked me to write a contract. I’m wondering if that’s standard because I heard that it is better to get a lawyer involved. I’ve also done extensive research and noticed that many freelancers write their own contract, so I’m a bit confused. Can you help clear things up in this regard? I’d appreciate it.Reply to Jessica

Hi Jessica, Regarding a contract, I tell my students to use a lawyer to draft one up or just email the client the content order and “rules” and make sure they agree. I don’t personally use contracts for my gigs and I’ve been fine!Reply to Elna

Hi Elna, Thanks for such an informative post. If your client is in another part of the world, when comes to signing off on the contract, how do you go about getting the client to do so?Reply to Kerry

Hey Kerry, Use an editable PDF where you can write your signature!Reply to Elna

I literally just launched my freelance writing business and I can already tell you guys that I’m going to HATE the late payer. I have an anxiety disorder so the thought of “nagging” someone about paying gives me the shivers. I don’t want to think about that thought yet but I know it’s going to happen. I can feel it in my bone marrow. But there’s no way to get around it, is there? Well…other than a great contract where the rules are set in stone. I just gotta make sure the client is aware of my terms in a way that tells them I’m serious about what I’m offering and the consequences for breaking my terms.Reply to Lisa

Elna that KISS tip for keeping things short and sweet helps both parties get clear on what’s being offered and what’s being paid. I keep interactions with my clients to a minimum, meaning I use few words to be clear. Confusion and sometimes chaotic situations arise without clarity, or without simplicity. Smart tips here Elna, keep on inspiring! RyanReply to Ryan

Hi Ryan, Thanks for the comment. KISS should be the motto for our lives right? The one thing I’m quickly learning is to also KISS with email communication. Number your questions and keep your email titles relevant to the topic (i.e. don’t use the same thread for invoices, questions, article submissions etc..). This avoids missed information and “chaotic situations.” Thanks again! ElnaReply to Elna

This is a great overview! I have all of these things in my contract, but this makes me think about a few things I could tweak. I especially found Jenn’s comment useful about what KIND of rights you’re selling. I promise my clients that I’ll never resell the same piece even if it has my name on it, but I now I’m thinking I could get more specific about the rights. I seem to be doing fine right now with my contract as I haven’t run into any problems with clients. This is really a great resource! AliciaReply to Alicia

Thanks Alicia, I value Jenn’s comment regarding ownership. Currently, I’m okay if the company takes full ownership. Like I said before, I don’t plan on re-selling or re-hasing old content. When I write for my clients, I write for their brand in mind, therefore making it useless for another company. But, that’s just what I think. Other freelance writers may have a completely different view and that’s fine!Reply to Elna

Great post! I never thought of the contract part. That is a great idea depending on the client of course. Plus a great way to make sure the client is serious and legit.Reply to Camilla

Hi Camilla, Thanks for commenting. Yes, having a contract in place makes you appear more professional and lays out your terms so that everyone is on the same page. I’m glad this was helpful. ElnaReply to Elna

Having a contract in place helped me to collect on $600 worth of delivered work a few months back! I don’t have one in place for all, but I feel like I have a good idea on who I should with and make it more of a standard practice for new clients. Good info. Elna!Reply to Gina

Hi Gina! Thanks for your comment. Having a contract in place is always a good thing to have! I’m in the same boat as well, for one-piece projects like an eBook design, I don’t have a contract in place. We will see how this goes and if I need to re-evaluate this, I will. Thanks for stopping by! ElnaReply to Elna

Love it, Elna – I think most freelancers are afraid they need to prepare some awfully complex legal document; as if the more complex it is, the more law-abiding it is. And they give up on the contract before they even tried to compile one. I cannot comment on the writers’ specifics but overall, I think your tips are great because 1) you explain why it is important to have a contract and what issues it potentially prevents, but more importantly 2) you give the methodology how one should craft a contract for their own writing business, according to their own specific situations. Thanks for sharing 🙂Reply to Diana

Diana, you couldn’t have said it better! I was hoping to accomplish just that: provide key points to include in your contract and how to implement them. I’m glad you found this useful as a freelancer and could adapt it for your profession. I’m glad you enjoyed my blog series. My readers seem to enjoy it! ElnaReply to Elna

Great post overall. 🙂 I’m going to disagree on one point a bit, and then share another contract clause consideration if that’s okay. Here’s where I disagree: Ownership is something writers need to be careful about. There’s a reason many, if not most, print publications don’t ask freelancers to work under work-for-hire agreements (and instead purchase first rights of some kind). The copyright that comes with it is much more valuable than most clients are willing to pay (or can afford to). Full ownership isn’t something any freelance writer should relinquish lightly. That’s because copyright goes beyond that one finished piece. It can also cover derivative rights. And if you’re a specialist in a niche or industry, you don’t want to be in a position where you can’t write similar things — specialties are inherently limited, and you’re paid a premium for expertise over that limited subject matter (in fact, your livelihood depends on it). If you turn over the copyright rather than something like exclusive online rights or first North American rights, you can never sell reprints. You can never create a derivative work without the first client’s permission (like re-working the piece for a different audience). If you’re going to part with those rights, it’s important to make sure you know how much you could lose in the process. And then charge accordingly. While I almost never part with copyrights for “content,” when a client insists (and if I’m willing), I charge ten times my normal rate. That’s not to say copyright transfers never make sense. If you’re working on internal copy for a company project for example, it makes perfect sense that the client would have all rights to the end material. It’s likely based on their existing documentation, quotes from their employees, etc. anyway, meaning they’re sometimes hiring you to create a derivative work of their own material (so you wouldn’t own the copyright to begin with). But then again, that’s one reason you can often charge much more for copywriting on a per-word / per-page basis. On an unrelated note, Lori Widmer of has a great addition to contracts — something she calls a “posse clause.” This relates to the scope creep issue you mentioned. This is a contract clause where you stipulate how many people you’ll work with or answer to, and who they are. It stops clients from bringing in a train of individuals to offer feedback and revision suggestions when you turn in a draft (their spouse, their friends, their employees, etc.). So, for example, if you turned in copy for a client’s website and they said they loved it, they couldn’t come back in a few days saying “so and so thinks you should change this,” and then the following week with “my son-in-law thinks we should add that, and my buddy thinks we should change that first thing back.” It happens with solopreneurs and their personal contacts, and it happens with larger clients who have too many employees weighing in on projects. What the “posse clause” does is force them to gather all the feedback they plan to gather up front, and then approach you with just one set of feedback and one set of revision requests. It nips the “too many cooks in the kitchen” issue from the start. And if they do start bringing others in at the last minute, they know they’re going to end up paying you more for the hassle. It’s just one form of the PITA fee I suppose. 🙂Reply to Jennifer

Jennifer, Thanks for providing this valuable information! I am new to contracts so what I gathered is all I know. Personally, for me, I mostly do online blog writing and article writing so I am fine giving up ownership rights as long as I get credit for it. I may think differently down the road, but for now, I’m fine with the decisions I have made. Thanks for coming on by and I’m always open to feedback! ElnaReply to Elna

About Elna

Hi, I'm Elna, a freelance writer and blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers.
