Provisional residence permit (MVV)

Do you want to travel to the Netherlands and stay here for more than 90 days? Then you may need a regular provisional residence permit (in Dutch: machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf or MVV). Find out what an MVV is and when you need an MVV.

What is an MVV?

The MVV is an entry visa. This visa is intended for persons who want to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days. The MVV is a visa sticker (Type D) to be placed in your passport. With the MVV you can travel to the Netherlands and pick up your residence permit.

When is an MVV needed?

You want to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days and you need a regular residence permit. Then you often need an MVV as well. The obligation to have an MVV depends on your nationality. It holds for most nationalities that you will receive a residence permit only if you have an MVV.

You apply for the MVV and the residence permit at the same time. Your sponsor in the Netherlands usually submits the application. This depends on your residence permit. Do you not have a sponsor? Then you can apply for the MVV and residence permit yourself from abroad.

When is an MVV not needed?

You do not need an MVV if you have the nationality of one of the following countries:

It is possible that according to your nationality you are obliged to have an MVV, but that you do not need an MVV. For example because you are a family member of a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland. See the list of all MVV exemptions.